What are your energy givers and energy takers?
Energy givers are activities and people that radiate positive energy and leave you feeling recharged and inspired. They uplift your spirits and make you feel good about yourself and the world around you. And then you’ve got energy takers, activities and people that drain your energy and leave you feeling depleted and exhausted. After interacting with such people, or doing those activities, you are left feeling emotionally and physically drained.
So the concept of energy givers and energy takers can be applied to both types of people as well as the kind of activities that you do. Self-awareness is the key when identifying your personal energy givers and energy takers. What could be energising for one person might be draining for another.
For me my energy givers are time spent in nature, mindful movement, deep breathing, relaxations, music, gratitude journalling and spending time with my cats. My energy takers are spending too much time on social media, watching the news, poor food choices, over-thinking and not resting enough. Today I woke feeling drained after a poor nights sleep, I felt fatigued and all my joints ached. I could have taken some pain killers and pushed through my day but instead I took the time off work to rest and do some gentle movement as my body would allow.
It is important to protect your energy. The key to a peaceful, fulfilled life is to ensure you have boundaries in place to protect your peace and energy. Practicing self care to recharge your energy levels needs to be prioritised. Dru Yoga and Meditation are a perfect practice with their focus on us as energetic beings interconnected with all that is around us.
The signature sequences of Dru Yoga are the Energy Block Release (EBR) sequences. Energy flows through our body freely when we live our life in balance and we express ourselves easily. Sometimes this flow of energy gets ‘blocked’ and becomes stuck in our joints, muscles and organ systems of the body. Unless it is released, this blocked energy can create imbalances which can lead to ‘dis-ease’. Practice Energy Block Release 3 to help you to dissolve and release any energy that has become stagnated or stuck. They are sequences that work on all levels, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Dru EBR sequences are carefully designed flowing movements and breath co-ordination that work through the body to release tension and clear these energy blockages on different levels – physical, mental and emotional. Each EBR sequence has a unique positive benefit on both the body and the mind, bringing us back into balance, often with positive empowering affirmations and visualisations. Most EBR sequences also move the spine in all its four directions – forwards, backwards, twisting and side bend. During or after your Dru Yoga practice, you may notice feelings of heat, cold, tingling or tiredness, or you may feel emotional. This is simply an energy block being cleared out of your system and is quite natural.
As well Dru Yoga have sequences such at the Vitality Sequence. It is a powerful method to open the gateway to the energy source deep within you. Be prepared to be fully stretched and mobilised in all directions! Let go of tiredness, lethargy and despondency! It is the panacea to boost energy! Dru Breath practices can also be categorised as energising, balancing or relaxing. Just something as simple as focus on your breath three times a day for a few minutes can change your energy levels.
So if you feel like you are crawling towards the end of the year you are not alone. Take time to reflect on your personal energy givers and energy takers and how you can set some boundaries to keep energy levels up.
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